Oregon Wildblog

Central Oregon Events and Adventures!

‘Tis the season for exploration! With summer quickly approaching, we have more daylight than ever to pack in as much adventure as we can. We're offering a variety of events over the next month that are fun, educational, and inspiring and we hope you can get outside (and inside) with us to learn more about the wild places and wildlife that we experience regularly here in Bend. We hope to see you there!

What We Want from the Wild - An Oregon Humanities Conversation


"Ban Aerial Spray!" - Oregon Voters

As you have probably heard by now, there is much reason to celebrate. A local special election saw voters in Lincoln County, Oregon decide that their county should be the first in the country to ban aerial spraying by ballot initiative! 

Speaking for the Voiceless

On May 19th, I testified in front of the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission on wolves in Oregon. The Commission listened to hours of public testimony from conservation-minded Oregonians who asked the agency to protect and restore Oregon's fragile wolf population. 

Chairman Finley and Commissioners, thank you for being here today and providing the opportunity to hear public comments. My name is Gaby Diaz and I’m here today to speak on behalf of the voiceless.

Wolf Plan Webinar


The Webinar will start at 7:00 PM PST. Feel free to leave any questions now as a Discus comment, or email it to dm@oregonwild.org and we will try to address it during the webinar.

Trump Wades Deeper into Fight over Public Lands

Yesterday the Trump Administration waded deeper into the fierce, on-going battle over America’s public lands. Alongside the head of the Interior Department, President Trump issued a new Executive Order that directs a special review of over 20 National Monuments designated since 1996, threatening to undermine decades of conservation work and weaken a key conservation tool used by presidents for a century, the Antiquities Act.

Rally for Water & Wildlife with Oregon Wild!

 On Wednesday, April 19th, Oregonians from across the state will arrive at the Capitol to tell their legislators to take a stand for Oregon’s water & wildlife. The rally will feature speeches from Representatives David Gomberg and Pam Marsh, as well as forest, water, and wildlife advocates and conservation groups from around the state! 

The Next Generation of Oregon Conservationists (and Oregon Wild staff?)

Oregon Wild's mission has long been to protect and restore Oregon's wildlands, wildlife, and waters as an enduring legacy for future generations. Recently, we had the absolute honor to connect with one of the most inspiring future leaders of the younger generation of Oregon conservationists, Penelope Allen. In a time when so many people are growing up being inundated by technology, Penelope is working to get people to get outside and explore this great state!